Short Bio

Hirofumi Okoshi is a senior assistant professor at Okayama University. From 1st March 2023 to 27th February 2025, he is a visiting professor at Erasmus University Rotterdam, hosted by Professor Dirk Schindler.

He did his Ph.D. course at University of Munich (Supervisor: Professor Andreas Haufler, Dissertation). During the Ph.D. course, Hiro conducted his research as a visiting scholar at Gakushuin university between March and April 2019.
He obtained his M.A. in Economics from Hitotsubashi University (Supervisor: Professor Jota Ishikawa) and B.A. in Economics from Gakushuin University (Early graduation, Supervisor: Professor Daisuke Shimizu).

Research Summary

His research interest covers economic policies related to International trade and taxation. In particular, he is doing research on multinational enterprises' profit shifting strategy through transfer pricing.

Hirohumi Picture



Email: hirofumi.okoshi1(at) ("(at)" should be replaced with "@")
Address: 3-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Kita-ku, Okayama-shi, Okayama, 700-8530, Japan
TEL: +81-86-251-7525

Recent Activities


• New working papers "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer: Network externality and tax competition" and "Negotiation for transfer prices under the arm's length principle" have been issued (21.02.2024)
• "Attractive target for tax avoidance: Trade liberalization and entry mode" has been accepted at International Tax and Public Finance (31.01.2024)


• "Better Safe than Sorry: Economic Integration and Transport Infrastructure under Fiscal Competition" will be presented at IIPF in Prague University of Economics and Business (21-23.08.2024) • "Together or apart? Eco-friendly location under fiscal competition" was presented at APTS 2024 at Chulalongkorn University (29-30.06.2024)

Last Updated : 18.07.2024